Today, the Court issued its ruling in the Texas school finance case. The public information officer’s summary is more than 3000 words. I tried it in three tweets:
1/ SCOTX rules unanimously that the Texas school finance system is within constitutional limits.
— SCOTXblog (@scotxblog) May 13, 2016
2/ District court in school finance case placed improper emphasis on "inputs" (money spent) rather than "outputs" (results).
— SCOTXblog (@scotxblog) May 13, 2016
3/ Four Justices join concurrences saying that, while everyone wants schools to be better, it's up to the Legislature to pursue that goal.
— SCOTXblog (@scotxblog) May 13, 2016
The vote was unanimous on the merits, although some Justices wrote separately to emphasize the importance of education.